Special Dues Offer from 2/6/25 to 6/30/25

Dear Friends,

We have a group of people reviewing the Forum in “Test Mode” For those people we have a special dues offering for dues thru 6/30/25. We are offering a dues discount for new members for $50.00.

Please click on “I have a coupon” and enter the code: $50FORYOU
This will reduce your dues for the next 5 months.
This coupon and offer is good through 15MAR!

For those of you who joined in the last week, I will refund $50.00 to your PayPal Credit Card.

TY, Hope you come to join and see us at a meeting,
Emmet Gemme, Founding Member and Website Administrator

2023 Book Package

24The annual book package for 2023 tax returns is available!

Now offering an online subscription to WebLibrary Plus (from TheTaxBook at a reduced, subsidized price!  You won’t want to miss this.

Click here…

1st Book – $80.00
2nd Book – $95.00

WebLibrary Plus Subscription – $150.00

Vendors at the 2022 Annual Seminar

2022 Exhibitors
ADP Barbara Kuehnle barbara.kuehnle@adp.com 203-228-4336
Emerald Medicare Mark Brownstein, CSA mark@emeraldmedicare.com 203-403-6670
Minuteman Press Joe Davis, Owner jdavis@minutemandanbury.com 203-616-5100
Nisco Equipment Solutions Gil Kirby gilnisco@aol.com 203-744-7009
Supporting Strategies Sean Hanson shanson@supportingstrategies.com 203-829-8487
Webster Bank Jordan Arovas jarovas@websterbank.com 203-782-4656

2022 Dues Renewal by 6/30/2022

Hey all, please remember to renew your dues under your membership tab.
This renewal is 7/1/2022 to 6/30/2023!  $80.00

Go to the Menu Bar – Members, Membership Renewal, Click “Renew” on the one that is expiring 6/30/22.

Student Recruiting

The success of any organization like ours is to be able to replace members that retire, move away, or even pass away.  We have been working on a program to recruit new and younger members.

For several years we have invited local students to our October Seminar, free of charge.  We have decided to expand upon those efforts.  You will note a new link on the left called “student recruiting.”  Take a moment, click on it, and browse around.  We are actively looking for college students to join NY/CT-ATP, Inc. as student members.  We have developed discounted membership rates and discounted meeting rates for those students.

Please join our recruiting campaign!  If you are aware of accounting and tax majors who would like to broaden their academic experience with our pragmatic business dinners and training sessions, please look at our recruiting materials and direct any student candidates to our website.

If you need any help, please reach out to our very own Cal Kaplow, Director student.recruiting@nyctatp.org